Public Procurement & PPP Law
Master Class |
16.10.2025 - 17.10.2025 |
Brussels |
Language: English

Master Class: Public Procurement for Utilities and Concessions Contracts

Master Class: Public Procurement for Utilities and Concessions Contracts - Pictures Events 2023 15 2

State-owned and commercial entities, operating in the utilities sector, such as gas, electric transport, and water firms, are obliged to apply the EU procurement policy when they purchase goods, services and works to pursue an activity in one of these sectors.
The rules adopted with the Concessions Directive allow public policy makers to use public contracts and concessions more effectively, modernise the public sector and contribute to a more equitable and sustainable model of growth.During this Masterclass you will learn how to choose the right procurement regime for your tender, how to handle crossborder procurement, learn about the procurement procedure for affiliated undertakings and utilities, you will be updated on the award procedures in utilities procurement and learn about concessions in the utilities sector. In the end, we will have a problem solving session where you will have the opportunity to bring in your own cases and questions and discuss these with our renowned experts.

Participants receive a certificate upon participation.

Starting from € 2.110,- (excl. VAT)

+++ Register before 21 August 2025 to avail of our 10% early bird discount! +++

+++ Group discounts are available! More under Details +++




A Master Class is a high-level event for professionals and officials involved in Public Procurement. The purpose of the Master Class is to review important developments in Public Procurement case law and the decisional practice of the European Commission, assess their implications for the Member States and public authorities and to solve your problems in Public Procurement cases. Participants are encouraged to submit a summary of the problem or case they want to present for discussion in advance. This information will of course be treated confidentially.

The sessions will combine presentations, case studies and discussion on practical issues. You will have ample opportunities to present your own issues and discuss them with speakers and participants from other countries.

Review and Assessment

On the first day, you receive an expert review of the latest Court rulings and Commission decisions. Seminal judgments and decisions are analysed in depth. The analysis identifies how principles are applied in specific situations, delineates possible exceptions and draws out the implications for Public Procurement policies.

Problem Solving

The second day is devoted to cases and questions submitted by participants. Public Procurement problems and other issues from the daily practice of participants are discussed and difficulties resolved.

Best Practices

On both days, the format of this advanced small-scale Master Class enables you to consider wider issues of relevance to officials and practitioners involved in Public Procurement. You can exchange information and experience with professionals from other countries.

Master Class materials are available for download after the event.

Who Should Participate?

This event is intended for officials and professionals who have good knowledge of Public Procurement or are working on projects that may involve Public Procurement in:

  • Public authorities on EU, national and regional level
  • Consulting companies and legal practitioners
  • Academic institutions

Group Discounts

Group registration of three or more participants will automatically receive a 10% discount.

We offer a 15% discount for groups of four and a 20% discount for groups of five participants. To take advantage of these discounts, please contact Laura Hoppe at [email protected] or call us at +49 (030)81 45 06 27. We will be happy to assist you with your group registration.


Day 1: Thursday, 16. October | Utilities Procurement


Registration & Welcome Coffee


Welcome and Introduction Round


Introduction to European Utilities Public Procurement Directive (2014/25/EU)

  • Mixed Procurements

Utilities Sectors in EU Member States

  • Utilities and Public Procurement
  • Characteristics of different utilities sectors, excluded contracts. Affiliated undertakings

Coffee Break


The Publicity, Qualification and Award Stages in Utilities Procurement


Lunch Break


Award Procedures, Assessment, Award Criteria and Redress


Affiliated Undertakings and Utilities


Coffee Break


To be announced


End of Day 1

Day 2: Friday, 17. October | Concessions Contracts


Definition of Concessions and Rules Applicable for its Procurement


Public-Public Partnership for Utilities and Concessions Contracts


Coffee Break


Case Study


Lunch Break


Problem-Solving Session


End of the Master Class and Distribution of Certificates



Exclusive Venue in the Centre of Brussels

Brussels, Belgium


Master Class | 16.10.2025 - 17.10.2025 | Brussels | Language: English

Participation fees for participation in Brussels:
Reduced fee for public authorities and full-time academics: € 2.110,- (excl. VAT)
Regular fee: € 2.310,- (excl. VAT)

Discount for European Procurement & Public Private Partnerships Law Review (EPPPL) subscribers: € 150,-

+++ Register before 21 August 2025 to avail of our 10% early bird discount! +++

+++ Group discounts are available! More under Details +++

VAT will be added if applicable.

Seating limit
The number of participants in Brussels is limited.

Please contact [email protected] if you have technical problems with the booking. 

Are you a public authority?

Teilnehmerdaten | Participant Information

Ticket Type Price Spaces
Early Bird / Frühbucherrabatt | Master Class: Public Procurement for Utilities and Concessions Contracts | Brussels
Reduced fee for public authorities / Reduzierter Preis für Angehörige einer Hochschule/Behörde
Master Class: Public Procurement for Utilities and Concessions Contracts | Brussels
Reduced fee for public authorities / Reduzierter Preis für Angehörige einer Hochschule/Behörde
€2.110,00 N/A
Early Bird / Frühbucherrabatt | Master Class: Public Procurement for Utilities and Concessions Contracts | Brussels
Regular fee / Regulärer Preis
Master Class: Public Procurement for Utilities and Concessions Contracts | Brussels
Regular fee / Regulärer Preis
€2.310,00 N/A

Rechnungsangaben | Billing Information

(Data Privacy Policy)

Zusammenfassung | Summary

Please select at least one space to proceed with your booking.

May 2025
08.05.2025 - 09.05.2025, Málaga
Master Class, Language: English
October 2025
16.10.2025 - 17.10.2025, Brussels
Master Class, Language: English

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